“When you’re curious you find lots of interesting things to do.”

Walt Disney

Curiosity drives me to take a 360 view on each problem, question with a "why," and follow up with a "what if..." in search of new ideas and solutions.

MBA in Innovation and
Startup Creation  

Master in Digital Strategy & Project Management

BA in Multimedia Comms & HCI

BA in Graphic Design

Aside from leading design projects, I've given talks and worked with universities to teach postgraduate and master's courses.

I worked with startups such as Libon, neobanks like Wio, and helped to develop other new businesses.

And I'm involved in a few mentoring programmes for entrepreneurs and young professionals.

In my spare time, I wander new streets, hunt graffiti, collect Coke bottles, and swim.

Now, I am getting back into 3D design and starting to play with Arduino.